
藍若汐研2022-09-07  42

导读:【 - 表白地方】情书就是最直接的告白,情书就像是一种浪漫的传递,情书到底应该怎么写呢?下面是小编收集整理的表白英文情书简短,欢迎阅读与收藏。有爱情的地方怎么会没有情书呢,那么一封简短的英文情书该怎么写。下面是小编为…

【www.fashion800.com - 表白地方】




To: Adam ~ From: Tamara

Dear Adam,

Tonight I write of love to you. I know that in our course of 5 years we have been up and down and just about all around, but yet, through it all we still hold on - holding onto a dream that one day we will be happy together again, the way we were before.

I know a love like ours people often dream about; thats why I hold on. To ease my mind I need to know ... why do you still hold on? I cannot change the past but work towards the future. I see in my future you and only you. Youre my sunrise and sunset - my whole being of myself, living only for you. You make my rainy days seem happy and my sunny days something to look forward to as I wake each day. I know I have yet to be perfect and maybe a little rough around the edges but I know that I can be all you want, desire, and need in a lady.

We created a lovely baby made completely out of love, for that is why every day I look at her, she reminds me of the love we once held so dear. The day you packed your things and left, a part of my heart broke a little more through the endless tears and the unknowing of what is to become of us. It really had me afraid that this time, the end may truly be the end. But still we stay together, maybe not in sharing a home but still together, just to hold dear that true love can happen even to those whom have fallen a little out of love.

I am thankful we keep trying, for you are the most important person in my life and nothing will ever change that, my soul mate. I love you so deeply that even words tonight cannot express them enough.

Love always,



To: Shortie ~ From: Nate

Dear Shortie,

Look, I dont know where to start. I love you. I have loved you since as long as I can remember, Shortie. I guess the first time I told was when I realized how much you meant to me. We have known each other for years. Once we got together, I couldnt believe how good things were going. It was too good to be true. It was perfect in the beginning. I loved you, and you loved me. I felt like thats the way it should still be.

I didnt want you to leave - honestly, I didnt. If I could go back, Id beg you to stay by my side. To know youd be miles away was breaking my heart, but I wanted you to be happy. I wanted you to make a good future for yourself, for us. Now that I think about it, how could I have let you go? What was I thinking then? Look what has happened.

I know weve been through the toughest of times. And because of that I think we are stronger than we thought. We lasted a good while. Im so incredibly sorry for everything that I did wrong. I wish you could just tell me, and I would change it all. But, you know that neither of us were innocent when it came to hurting each other.

When I said I would marry you, I meant it. I wanted to live my entire life loving you. We could have grown old together. I know you wanted that. It would have been great. But what happened to us, Shortie? Where did we go wrong? Wasnt our love untouchable? Wasnt it strong? I sit and think, and the only thing that best explains it is that we needed to be together physically. Having you in one state and me in another was unbearable. Although, I wanted to be with you so badly, I also have school and my life here. If I could go back Id probably leave with you when I had the chance. Would things be better now or is this the way it is supposed to be?

All I know is we may not be together now or maybe not ever again. But I want you to know that you are someone I will never ever forget. I loved you, and still love, and will always love you, no ma






你如春风般柔和,似春雨般温情。我那被寒冬冻结的心,因你而苏醒。或许我的人生从来都不曾完美,但这一刻我的生命却焕发了生机。我想对你说我爱你,但是我更希望用行动来证明。花言或巧语你也许听得够多了,而今我也不能免俗,只因爱你,爱到语无伦次! 给我一个机会,那我会牢牢把握。我会与你喝同一杯水,在你伤心时与你流同一种泪!


Dear MM 我爱你! 不知为什么,只要有你在我身边,我的心便不再惶惶不安。 初相识你的感觉是前所未有的,因为你是我梦中情人,因为一见钟情在我的内心燃烧着。 记得那个下雨天,向天空邂逅了闪电,你站在人群中长发飘呀飘,玫瑰般的脸心中有了爱的箭 认识你是雨天还是晴天,我已经记不清,只记得心情如阳光般明媚,永远让我忘不了。










Dear Leann,

I went to bed last night with a vision of you next to me. I slept like a baby all night, because I was not feeling alone. When I awoke this morning to see if it was real or if it was a dream, realty hit me that it was only a dream. Very soon, I know that you will be right next me, and that I will not have to dream of it again because you will be right there so we can hold, hug and squeeze each other tight. Baby, I long to be there with you so I can help build you and support you, so that we can accomplish a whole lot together as husband and wife.

Love always,

Your Ansil


Dear Fabrizio,

The day we met is the day I will never forget. Over and over I replay our chat and our first telephone conversation in my mind! You are so amazing you drive me crazy! You make me feel so happy and complete. If I hadnt met you. I know Id still be searching... searching for you!

Ever since that special day, we have both grown in such a special way. And although I dont say it as often I want, I do want to say it now or else time will just pass me by again and Ill only keep wondering when. I want to say, I love you, I need you, and I want you. Thank you for all the beautiful e-mails youve sent me, all the wonderful gifts youve mailed me and all the sweet words that just seem to be said at the right time and the right place.

You have the key to my heart and one day, when we meet, we will never, ever be apart! Alas! To finally kiss your tender warm lips, to feel your gentle hands, to look into those soft brown eyes and know you are the one Ive been waiting for! I Love you, Babe! Ich liebe dich.

Yours and only yours,

Bambolina Julie


Dear Lebaz简单英文情书,

Hi, Baby Bear Youre always lighting up my heart with the things you do and say. I feel so happy just being with you this way. Youre my baby, and will forever be my baby. You will always be the love of my life, and please never give up, always have faith in yourself and you will gain the greatest gift of all, the gift of hope and love you righteously deserve. Every time I think of you my heart misses a beat. Youre my theme for a dream! Every moment we share together we grow closer. Im simply hanging by a moment, waiting to see you again so you can hold me so tight that all else fades, I thought after you left you would fade away from my mind, but still everyday I wake up dreaming of our time together. I will never forget you. I hope you still think of me too. I love you with all that I am, all that I was and all that I will ever be. Please know that my love and I are inseparable and I would want it no other way and if time could express my love for you then its forever and a day, I cant wait to be with you, see your smile, look in your eyes, feel your sweet touch, hear your perfect words and kiss your perfect lips. The way I feel about you some people call it crazy, some call it insane, but I call it true love. I really love you, Baby Bear.

Love Always,



1、We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。
2、There is no remedy for love but to love more.如果没有人爱我们,我们也就不会再爱自己了。
3、Everyones got a Prince Charming. Mine just took a wrong turning got lost and is too stubborn to ask for directions.每个女孩儿都会有一个白马王子的,我的那位么,只是来的路上走错了一个岔路,还不好意思问路过来罢了。
4、To be lonely is not because you have no friends,but there is no one in your heart.孤单不是因为没有朋友,而是没有人住在你心里。
5、You do not need a crystal ball. Knowing what steps to take makes life boring. Take life one day at a time. Enjoy the surprises life throws at you.你不需要水晶球。清楚下一步会发生什么的生活是很乏味的。一天天过。享受生活给你的惊喜。
6、Whenever you have an aim you must sacrifice something of freedom to attain it. (William Somerset Maugham) 不论什么时候,只要你有一个目标,就得牺牲一定的自由去实现它。 威廉 斯莫特
7、Sometimes, the simplest advice that you give to others is the hardest thing for you to follow.有时候,你给别人最简单的建议,却是自己最难做到的。
8、The most easily broken thing in the world is the mans wineglass, politicians promise, girls dream, steel wire-like love, the virtuous ; of modern society and the holy heart. 这世界最易碎的就是男人的酒杯,政客的承诺,少女的梦想,钢丝上的爱情,现代社会的善良和高贵的心。
9、I like the subtle wind,and your smile.They are the beginning of a new day.我喜欢淡淡的风和你的微笑,它们都是新一天的开始。
10、Having friends is like trying on clothes. Youll end up buying the ones that fit you right and make you feel better about yourself.交朋友就好比买衣服,最终你会买适合你的,是穿起来更舒服的那件。




Dear dinesh,

It has not been but a short time of getting to know one another and we are totally crazy about the other. I asked you if you believed in soul mates and you said that you believed that god does make a special someone from every man. whether that man finds that someone he was created for or not, I know I was created for you.

Here I am, heart and soul, confessing to the world how i feel about you. I would walk to the ends of the earth to meet you, and yet the funny thing is, looks as if i will have to do that since we havent yet met. funny how love works in peoples lives. I sure never expected to neither meet nor find someone as amazing as you. You have touched my heart in so many ways and words couldnt even begin to explain to you the love I feel for you. without further making it harder on the two of us to be together, I need to tell you that i love you and I am here waiting and when the time is right, will accept you as my husband and spend forever and eternity in your arms. Dreaming of you always ... I love you.

love always,



Dear Lebaz经典的英文情书,

Hi, Baby Bear Youre always lighting up my heart with the things you do and say. I feel so happy just being with you this way. Youre my baby, and will forever be my baby. You will always be the love of my life, and please never give up, always have faith in yourself and you will gain the greatest gift of all, the gift of hope and love you righteously deserve. Every time I think of you my heart misses a beat. Youre my theme for a dream! Every moment we share together we grow closer. Im simply hanging by a moment, waiting to see you again so you can hold me so tight that all else fades, I thought after you left you would fade away from my mind, but still everyday I wake up dreaming of our time together. I will never forget you. I hope you still think of me too. I love you with all that I am, all that I was and all that I will ever be. Please know that my love and I are inseparable and I would want it no other way and if time could express my love for you then its forever and a day, I cant wait to be with you, see your smile, look in your eyes, feel your sweet touch, hear your perfect words and kiss your perfect lips. The way I feel about you some people call it crazy, some call it insane, but I call it true love. I really love you, Baby Bear.

Love Always,



Dear ayo,

seriously, babes, i love you because i have never been loved by anyone the way you love me. i feel like a complete woman. i love your patient manner, your generous nature, your hands on my body, particularly when you hold me when i am sleeping. when you hold me i believe that nothing can harm me. i love your genuine kindness to others and i hope bubu takes after you in this respect (well, to a certain extent). i love your eyes and your lips, i love your sense of self worth, your calming nature, your social ability, your daniel-like talent, your firm bum, your smooth back and strong arms. you are my distant friend of late but i know our closeness will be reunited very soon.

i am missing you terribly; i feel incomplete without you and want you here now!

love always,



Dear margarita,

I am just lying here, looking at your pictures, wishing for the day you and I meet, hoping and praying to god that our lord brings us together expediently.

I sit here pondering what life will be with you beside me. sharing our thoughts and ideas towards what the future holds. you and I are hundreds of miles apart. yet I feel as if you are here right beside me watching me as I write this letter. Your passion spans distances unforeseen by the naked eye, reaching me in ways I never thought possible. your spirit soars above me, watching over me like a protective angel. your heart beats in unison with mine growing stronger and with fuller life with each passing moment.

Margarita, I know I have made the right choice in proclaiming my love for you. I have no fears and no regrets and I live for the day we are together for the first time. I owe you an apology also for questioning you. I promise you,I will not question your intentions any more. You have proven to me your love for me is stronger and greater than distances never reached.

margarita, i love you. i am in love with you; i open my heart to you. i ask that you take my heart and treat it as if it is your own.

all my love,





You Warm My Heart

Dear Sweetheart, You brought love and laughter to my empty, sad and boring life. My heart had known only emptiness until the day you came and filled my heart to overflowing with your jovial ways. Your sense of humor has turned my frown into a smile. You taught me how to love again, you taught me to give and receive love by trusting in you and believing. You taught me to go the extra mile. And though there are miles between us, I never stop thinking of you, you have brought a change into my life and my heart is forever yours. I can never forget you, or keep thoughts of you out of my mind. I think of your sweet lips and kisses, feel them as if it was yesterday. Thoughts of you warm my heart. You complete me, you are everything my heart desire. Loving You Always, Judy




To: Andy ~ From: Tricia

Dear Andy,

Now, I know we have not gotten to really know each other all that long and there is a little bit of an age difference between us, but I do really like you. You are a very special guy. There is so much about you I see that I know most girls dont see. They are all looking at you for your body. But Honey, I am telling you, that is not what I am doing. There is so much more to you than that. I have liked you for a very long time now but just never had the guts to say it to you. Well, that has all changed now. I am going all out and I am going to say it all. I really care a lot about you, and I would like to be a lot more then just friends. You mean so much to me. I mean, just seeing your cute little smile when I am having a bad day just makes the day seem not too dim. Or just to have you give me a hug makes me all warm and tingly inside. Just to see your smiling face brightens my darkest day. So, Hon, what do you say, would you like to give it a go?

Love Always,








dear annan,

never did i imagine that i would ever meet you, especially not in the form of a chat friend. a year later i am leading my life with you as your fiance which i could never thought of this very time last year.god has got his own reasons for us to meet and come this far. but i hope our love will flourish beyond what it is right now. distance maybe just a part of the reason why sometimes we think we cant handle this whole relationship, but i am sure our love for each other is way far stronger then any oceans can come across.

i am writting you this letter to tell you that my love for you is so real that i cant find any words to describe my feelings for you. at the same time i would like to thank you for all your patience while our relationship had to go through high waves and hard rocks. my love for you has grown so strong that i can never imagine a life without you now.i will always be yours no matter what the world turns out to be. my heart will always yearning for your love and care forever. i love you always.

missing you,jeya









Dear Daisy,

Its the end of the day and I was thinking about you, as usual. I want you to know how much I sincerely love the times weve spent talking. It means so much to me. It truly seems like Ive known you forever and I honestly cant imagine life without you now. There will be no looking back, no second thoughts and no regrets. I want you and need only you ... and that love will only grow stronger. Do not be scared my love. Sometimes life hits you with unexpected things that take you totally by surprise. All I can say is youre the best surprise life has given me and your capacity for love, caring, and understanding never ceases to amaze me. Ive truly been blessed by finding you and Ill never let you go even if I have to bring you back to Florida myself!

Your darling,



Dear Daisy,

Its the end of the day and I was thinking about you, as usual. I want you to know how much I sincerely love the times weve spent talking. It means so much to me. It truly seems like Ive known you forever and I honestly cant imagine life without you now. There will be no looking back, no second thoughts and no regrets. I want you and need only you ... and that love will only grow stronger. Do not be scared my love. Sometimes life hits you with unexpected things that take you totally by surprise. All I can say is youre the best surprise life has given me and your capacity for love, caring, and understanding never ceases to amaze me. Ive truly been blessed by finding you and Ill never let you go even if I have to bring you back to Florida myself!

Your darling,



Dear Shas,

Exactly one year ago you were diagnosed with a form of cancer and all our dreams came dashing down. I never thought that I would have to deal with something like this in my life. Everything happened in the middle of my exams and I tried so hard to cope. You were so remarkably wonderful during the most difficult time of your life. No one knows, not even me, how difficult those few months were for you.

I never really thanked you for being so strong and understanding for my sake. I was so scared for you and for our future together. I am still so scared though I know that you have defeated the illness. No one understands my decision to remain with you and become your wife. If they only knew how much I love you, they would not question my decision.

Your happiness means everything to me. I love you more than you could possibly know and my love keeps growing every time I see you struggling to make me happy. I love you, Baby, now and always.

Love always,





Every beat of my heart, loudly cries your name, I want so much to be withyou, oh, please, please, feel the same.


I am looking for a word. I am looking for a whole new word. I am looking for aword. I am looking for a word that nobody knows. I am looking for a word. I amlooking for a word that says...that you are the best!


If you are the wind, I am the sand.

If you are the shoe, I am the brush.

If you dont love me, I just wanna die.





Honey, how do I live without you? I miss you every minute and every second.

Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.


My heart beats for you every day. I am inspired by you every minute, and Iworry about you every second. It is wonderful to have you in my life.



Youre the girl in my dream.


For years I had been searching for that perfect fantasy. But I find it in myarms right now. You are all to me.


I asked God for a rose he gave me a garden. I ask God for a drop of water he gave me an ocean. I asked God for an angel he gave me you! Oneday you ask me: whats more important to you, me or your life? Ill say my lifeand youll go and leave without even knowing that you are my life. My eyes arehurting because I cant see you. My arms are empty because I cant hold you. Mylips are cold because I cant kiss you. My heart is breaking because Im notwith you.



I will not beat you, not scold you, but torture you with all my love.


If you want a cute baby, and you are still worried about this, then I willadvice that you marry me!


My family name is I, first name is love you, and surname is miss you; mycognomen is understand you, appellation is feel badly about you, epithet isthink of you , book name is dream of you, nickname is chase you. You cancall me I kiss you.





I havent heard from you.

If you have, for a new environment? Whether have adapted without my love? Whether to have forgotten the past pain? Still troubles endured and face always smile?

Know you are very tired, very helpless, very helpless.

From the heart, pity you, love you. For your situation. Once love, comfort you, try hard to improve the situation.. But every time I see your eyes, is powerless, hear your heart sighs. I seem to understand, you give up! I know, you do not want to improve, not you dont go, not that you dont want to have a normal people are enjoying a life of dignity. You can also expect like plastic such as the knee, you also hope to each other, you desire to be cared for, be loved, respected by others. In the lives of others in the most unusual for the most common situation, you become elusive! Dear, my heart really good pain, pain to the bone. The pain of your life, your pain tolerance is excessive, more pain you wronged alone and nobody knows no vent bitterness! I cant imagine, for so many years is how you spend it? I believe you are magnanimous, tolerant, and the people, also has the limit, your heart full of grievances, full of melancholy, where there is a load of happiness and joy of void?

My dear, let me say there, dont you feel about themselves too harsh? So appoint wronged flexor stammer so sad, depressed over a lifetime? Is everything around you, than the happiness of his life is important? Did that really loved. Love your little woman, not you dazzling aura? We pledge our love our love our hand, we have those good, destined to disappear in smoke? We are also likely to become the most familiar stranger? I dread to think!

Dear, I hope you happy, happy, live your day. It is also my most sincere congratulations! After the road, at the foot of their own, select their own direction, and find its own way, on their own, to others, to life, the greatest respect!

Your better tomorrow!


Dear Ayo,

Seriously, Babes, I love you because I have never been loved by anyone the way you love me. I feel like a complete woman. I love your patient manner, your generous nature, your hands on my body, particularly when you hold me when I am sleeping. When you hold me I believe that nothing can harm me. I love your genuine kindness to others and I hope Bubu takes after you in this respect (well, to a certain extent). I love your eyes and your lips, I love your sense of self worth, your calming nature, your social ability, your Daniel-like talent, your firm bum, your smooth back and strong arms. You are my distant friend of late but I know our closeness will be reunited very soon.

I am missing you terribly; I feel incomplete without you and want you here NOW!

Love always,



Dear Fabrizio,

The day we met is the day I will never forget. Over and over I replay our chat and our first telephone conversation in my mind! You are so amazing you drive me crazy! You make me feel so happy and complete. If I hadnt met you. I know Id still be searching... searching for you!

Ever since that special day, we have both grown in such a special way. And although I dont say it as often I want, I do want to say it now or else time will just pass me by again and Ill only keep wondering when. I want to say, I love you, I need you, and I want you. Thank you for all the beautiful e-mails youve sent me, all the wonderful gifts youve mailed me and all the sweet words that just seem to be said at the right time and the right place.

You have the key to my heart and one day, when we meet, we will never, ever be apart! Alas! To finally kiss your tender warm lips, to feel your gentle hands, to look into those soft brown eyes and know you are the one Ive been waiting for! I Love you, Babe! Ich liebe dich.

Yours and only yours,

Bambolina Julie












你开玩笑的说我跟你宿舍的男生怎样,当时我真是受到了惊吓明明喜欢你,打招呼的时候还是会紧张和害怕,说话的时候呼吸还是会急促不安,并排走路的时候依然做不到淡定。 我几乎认识了你宿舍里面的所有同学,从你到peli到qeyv,我从来没有这么熟的记住每个男孩子的名字,是不是很厉害,其实所有的所有都是跟你有关,都只想了解你,都只想知道,你过的好不好。
















Cold here, icy cold there. You belong to neither, leaves have withered. Your face is pale and blue, a tearful smile. Something in your eyes, whispers words of last good-bye. My heart sinks down, tears surge out.
Hot summer. Cheerful Cocktail. You took my hand. We fled into another world of ba nd. You sat by my side, long hair tied behind, cool and killing. Smile floating on the lemonade, soft and smooth. How I was ?amazed. Your face looked like the cover of the magazine. My head spin. You led my hand, danced along the crazy theme.
Light vied with wine, elegance mixed with fragrance, laughing covered by greetings, the crowed was busy at handshaking. You stood there, eyes on me. I trembled at the sparkles, brighter than the light. A masterpiece from God, I felt dizzy. We were not near, yet we were together.
灯酒相辉,芳雅相应,祝辞笑声此起彼伏,芸芸皆劳碌于握手。君站立一旁,美目探 妾。妾莹灯下颤颤而立。此必上帝之杰作,使晕眩。虽妾与君相隔甚远,然心相近。
Days ended. You said, you would wait for me at th e Alps side. We would ski against snowflakes dancing in the sky. I gave no answer but a good-bye to accompany your flight. Gone was the plane, I suddenly tasted my pain. I knew I had been silly and stupid, you were in my heart, I shouldn t have hidden in the dark. I tried to forget your disappointment. I made believe sometime someday, I would tell you, I feel all the same.
My thought struggled at confessing, somehow hesitation ended in flinching. I continued my role of a fool, clinched to my maiden pride, yet secretly indulged in your promise of the white land -- snow measuring down to us, in your arms I am lifted up. The chiming of Christmas bell!
The bell died in the patter of rain, from hell came the laughing of Satan at my brain. Tearful smile, swallowed by the darkness. How could I trace your hair to wipe your tears? My hands reached out, catching nothing but a raindrop, on a leaf that had withered.
Snowflakes have melted into water, we are no more together.

本文地址: https://www.fashion800.com/read-458386.html



