hadn't造句 had怎么造句简单

剩余的解释2023-03-09  18

导读:hadn't造句He hadn't done anything unspeakable .他没有做什么不可告人的事。Well, i hadn't been around lately .唔,近来我的确没有四处走…


He hadn't done anything unspeakable .

他没有做什么不可告人的事。Well, i hadn't been around lately .

唔,近来我的确没有四处走动。She hadn't realized how grown-up he was .

她没想到他是这么成熟。 "i wish you hadn't asked me," she stalled .

"真希望你没问过我,"她支吾说。I hadn't got a vacancy in my office at the moment .

我的办事处当时没有空缺。It hadn't shocked the old woman .

这没有使老太婆感到震惊。I had taken her hand, and she hadn't withdrawn it .

我握着她的手,她并没有缩回。 "i hadn't thought about clothes!" she gasped .

“我没有想到衣服!”她喘着气说。What would you have done if i hadn't shown up ?

那时如果我没有露面,你会怎么办呢?There were a few prize animals whom i hadn't sold .

我还剩下几只珍贵的动物没出卖。It's difficult to see hadn't in a sentence. 用hadn't造句挺难的If he had to, he could claim he hadn't lied .

在必要的时候,他可以说自己并没有撒谎。She hadn't even turned sixteen .

她还不满16岁哪。He had suffered, hadn't he ?

他吃过苦头,是不是?I found this old outfit which i hadn't had on for years .

我又翻到这套多年不穿的旧衣服。I hadn't expected you could set things up so fast .

我没想到你能这么快就把事情安排好了。Mirian ought to have ruled out what she hadn't done .

密里安本应该拒绝考虑她未曾做过的事。Pug did believe he hadn't played this particular fish .

帕格的确相信,他并没玩弄这个大笨蛋。I hadn't then begun to acquire a middle-aged spread .

那年月我还不象一般中年人那样开始发福。He hadn't anywhere to go .

他没有别处可去。What i hadn't counted on were continuing high interest rates .



He hadn't slept a wink, because elsa had cried all night .

他一夜没合眼,因为艾尔莎哭了一通宵。She returned and wanted to know why i hadn't spoken out .

她回来后想知道,我为什么不替自己申辩。I hadn't thought of that. i guess i'm just a country cousin .

我真没想到。我觉得我真是个乡下佬。He knew me as easily as i hadn't been disguised at all .

他一眼就认出是我,真仿佛我并没改装似的。You had a particular fancy for me, hadn't you, old artful ?

你这个老滑头,你对我特别有好感是不是?I wish i hadn't become so conscious of every little nuance .

我希望我不要变得这样去思索一切琐碎之事。But then something happened that they hadn't bargained for .

不过,却发生了一件他们原来没有想到的事。Frankly, i hadn't planned to bring the matter to your attention .

老实说,我并不想让事情引起你的注意。To tell you the truth i wished i hadn't asked him to stay with me .

天地良心,我真后悔让他住在我这儿。Then she saw that he hadn't succeeded in stopping feeling at all .

这么一来,她发现他不能再无动于衷了。It's difficult to see hadn't in a sentence. 用hadn't造句挺难的To tell you the truth, i wished i hadn't asked him to stop with me .

天地良心,我真后悔让他住在我这儿。He hadn't changed much in his nearly three years of incarceration .

在将近三年的监狱生活中,他变化不大。Kunta hadn't even noticed the first faint streaks of dawn in the east .

昆塔甚至没有注意到东方已吐鱼肚白了。I came across joe smith yesterday; i hadn't seen him for ten years .

我昨天碰见乔史密斯;我已经10年没见到他了。I hadn't business with you, no more than you had with me .

我同你没有什么关系,也正象你同我没有什么关系是一样的。Alas! i hadn't skill to counteract the effect his account had produced .

唉!我却没有本事把他的话所产生的效果取消。The dealers hadn't had anything to get excited about in years .

多少年来,承销商已没有遇到过这样使他们激动的东西了。Under yale's penetrating gaze, he wished he hadn't mentioned it .

在耶尔敏锐的目光注视之下,他真后悔不该提起这件事。No doubt it hadn't been sensible to clutter up his life that way .

当然,把生活安排得象他那样乱七八糟,是很不明智的。He looks as if he hadn't had a bath for a month and his hands are filthy .



He'd quarrel with his own shadow, if he hadn't got anyone else to be angry with .

他如果找不到人发脾气,就跟自己发脾气。The only group that henry hadn't slandered in my presence were the italians .

享利在我面前唯一没有诋毁过的人是意大利人。For two nights herb hadn't been home, and mrs. tremaine was distracted .

连着两夜赫伯没有回家了,屈里曼太太弄得心神不宁。The landau hadn't pulled up before she shot out of the hall door and into it .

车还没停稳,她就由大门飞奔出来一头钻进车厢。Of course you know that her father and i hadn't been on speaking terms for years .

当然你知道我跟父亲有好几年关系不怎么好。She still felt very displeased that she hadn't received the ten thousand pounds .

对于没能拿到一万英磅这件事,她仍然耿耿于怀。He hadn't had a bad education himself, but he couldn't hold a candle to her .

他自己受过的教育并不差,可是跟她一比就简直没门了。She'd find him with persistence, as long as he hadn't any new tricks up his sleeve .

只要他不耍新花样,坚持下去她总可以找着他的。Paddy hadn't been the man of her choice, but a better man than paddy never lived .

帕迪不是她所选择的人,但也没有比帕迪更好的人了。He'd always been a good boy, he hadn't ever turned hard or evil or disrespectful .

他一直是个好孩子,从来没有变得冷酷、邪恶或粗俗过。It's difficult to see hadn't in a sentence. 用hadn't造句挺难的



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